September 6, 2024 – 12:30pm
Lafayette College Geology Majors
Title: “Our Summer Experiences in the Earth and Environmental Fields”

September 13, 2024 – 12:30pm
Andrea Krupp
Title:  “The New Carboniferous Age:  Creative Perspectives on Coal, Culture, and Calamity”

September 27, 2024 – 12:30pm
Dork Sahagian
Lehigh University
Title:  “Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble: From bubbles to ash in explosive volcanic eruptions”

October 4, 2024 – 12:30pm
Madeline Stoltz Abernethy
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
Title:  “Environmental Risk Assessment and Restoration”

October 18, 2024 – 12:30pm
Lafayette Geology Faculty
Title:  “Life After Lafayette – Guidance on LC Geo and Beyond!”

October 25, 2024 – 12:30pm
Jada Siverand
Lehigh University
Title:  “An invitation to the deep sea: exploring the geochemistry of hydrothermal vents”

November 15, 2024 – 12:30pm
Ben Black
Rutgers University
Title:  “A killer beneath the surface? Reconciling petrology and paleoclimate

December 9, 2024
Lafayette Geo Honors Thesis Students
Mid-Project Reports


Thursday, February 22, 2024 — 12:15 pm
Derek Pizarro
AST Environmental, Inc.
Title:  “From “Dirty Dirt” to “Gross Groundwater”: How Hydraulic Fracturing Transformed Site Remediation”

Friday, March 1, 2024 — 12:30 pm
Dr. Ivano Aiello
San Jose State University & Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
Title:  “When the Fast Beats the Furious:  How Tiny Diatoms Can Change the World”

Friday, March 29, 2024 — 12:30 pm
Dr. Bradley Pitcher
Columbia University
Title:  “Reading the clocks in the rocks: Determining the timescales of past explosive volcanic eruptions in Japan”

Friday, April 05, 2024 — 12:30 pm
Dr. Franziska Keller
Lehigh University
Title:  “The evolution of magmatic systems during build-up to caldera-forming eruptions”

Friday, April 12, 2024 — 12:30 pm
Jessica Jahre, AICP, CFM
Senior Project Manager
Michael Baker International
Title:  “Building climate resilience: Policy, planning, and program development for stronger communities”

Friday, April 19, 2024 — 12:30 pm
Prof. John Sarao
Lafayette College
Title:  “Environmental factors influencing calcareous nannofossil distribution over the past 96,000 years from the Equatorial Pacific”

Friday, May 3, 2024 — 12:30 pm
Julianna Huba
Title:  “An examination of wavelength components in the gravity field in Pennsylvania with possible geologic source models”

Monday, May 6, 2024 — 1:00 pm
Evelyn Locke-Tittle
Title:  “Paleoecological analysis of fossil marine communities in the Devonian Mahantango Formation, Eastern & Central Pennsylvania”

Thursday, May 9, 2024 — 11:00 am
Maria Gross
Title:  “Documenting trackways preserved in the Triassic/Jurassic Passaic Formation, Western New Jersey”


September 8, 2023
Lafayette College Geology Majors
Title: “Our Summer Experiences in the Earth and Environmental Fields”

September 15, 2023
Tom Hale
University of Delaware
Title:  “The Mineral-Security Nexus”

September 22, 2023
Juliane Gross
Rutgers University
Title:  “To the Moon: From Apollo to Artemis, and what we can learn from rocks”

October 13, 2023
Lafayette College Geology Staff
Title:  “Life In and After Lafayette Geology”

October 20, 2023
Jeffrey Vervoort (*AGU College of Fellows Distinguished Lecture*)
Washington State University
Title:  “The Growth of Earth’s Earliest Crust”

October 27, 2023
Multiple Presentations on the History of Geology in New Jersey
Geological Association of New Jersey
*Talks occur in Marlo Room, Farinon Center*

November 10, 2023
Claire Zurkowski (*Mineralogical Society of America Distinguished Lecturer*)
Lawrence Livermore National Lab
Title:  “Mysteries Beyond our Solar System: Characterizing the Mineralogical Building Blocks of multi-Earth Mass Exoplanets”

November 17, 2023
Caitlyn Dempsey
Langan Engineering & Environmental Services
General Topic:  Environmental Consulting in Urban Areas

December 1, 2023
Annie Mailloux
Rutgers University
Title:  Respond and Adapt:  Taking Fundamental Good Practice to the Bahamas


February 3, 2023
Sim Suter & Ted Tesler
Pennsylvania Geological Survey
Title: “Careers in Geology”

February 17, 2023
Allie Nagurney
University of South Carolina
Title: “Microstructural Controls on the Crystallization and Exhumation of Metamorphic Rocks”

March 24, 2023
Martin Helmke
West Chester University
Title: “UAVs (Drones) for Environmental, Geophysical, and Archaeological Investigations”

April 21, 2023
Hendrik G. van Oss
USGS (Economic Geologist, Emeritus)
Title: “Cement & the Environment:  An Inconvenient Chemistry”

April 28, 2023
Jesse Reimink
Penn State University
Title: “The Birth and Stabilization of Cratons”


September 16, 2022
Lafayette College Geology Majors
Title: “Our Summer Experiences in the Earth and Environmental Fields”

September 23, 2022
Lafayette College GEOL 160 National Parks Field Course Reunion & Information Session

October 14, 2022
Lance Tully
University of South Carolina
Title: “There and Back Again:  A Geologist’s Tale on the Provenance of Sediments and Skills Development in the Next Generation of Geoscientists”

October 21, 2022
Kira Lawrence
Lafayette College & The State of New Jersey
Title:  “Climate Change Mitigation through Renewable Energy Development:  A Case Study of Offshore Wind in New Jersey”

October 28, 2022
Matthew Musso
Colorado School of Mines
Title:  “Physical Modeling of the Impact of Changing Slope-to-Basin Morphology on the Emplacement, Erosion and Transport of Sediments by Along-Slope Continuous Currents”

November 18, 2022
Ketil Koop-Jakobsen & Dianna Gagnon
Marine Biological Laboratories (MBL) – Semester in Env. Science Program
Title:  “The Rhizosphere – How Belowground Processes Control Ecosystem Functions”

December 2, 2022
Mark Williams
University of Leicester, UK
Title: “Planetary-Scale Change to the Biosphere Signalled by Global Species Translocations Can Be Used to Identify the Anthropocene”


Jan. 28th, 2022
Brian Lejuene
Lafayette College
Title: Beyond the Beauty:  Unearthing the Ethical Dilemmas and Prospective Future of Mining and Mineral Collecting

Mar. 4th, 2022
George Tillery ’17
Smithsonian Institution
Title:  The Museum & I:  A Behind the Scenes Look at the National Museum of Natural History

April 5, 2022
Scott Wendling, PG
Vice President, COO
ARM Group LLC/ARM Geophysics
11:00 The Use of Geophysics in the Environmental Consulting Industry, room 105 Van Wickle Hall
12:20 Environmental Consulting…an Overview, room 108 Van Wickle Hall


Friday, November 19th, 2021
Cortney Brand (’93)
LRE Water
Title: “My Journey from Lafayette College to CEO of an Engineering Company”


Friday, February 7th, 2020
Michael P. Vandenbergh – David Daniels Allen Distinguished Chair of Law
Vanderbilt University
Title: “Beyond Gridlock: The Private Governance Response to Climate Change”

WEDNESDAY, February 12th, 2020
Alana Albus & Molly Sunderlin
Lafayette College Gateway Career Center
Title: “Digging up and Uncovering Geology and Environmental Jobs and Internships”

Friday, February 21st, 2020
Andrea Stevens Goddard
Rowan University
Title: “Evaluating Tectonic and Climatic Controls on Drainage Organization and Fluvial Sedimentation:  A Study in the Central Andes”


Friday September 6th, 2019
Lafayette Geology Students
Title: “Vignettes of our Summers in Geology”

Friday October 4th, 2019
Gerry Rustic
Rowan University
Title: “The Relationship Between the El Niño Southern Oscillation and Climate Boundary Conditions: Insights from Individual Foraminifera”

Friday October 18th, 2019
Laramie Jensen
Texas A&M University
Title: “The role of iron and other dissolved metals in the global ocean”
Co-hosted by Lafayette Women and Inclusion in the Sciences (WITS)

Friday November 1st, 2019
Steven Jaret
American Museum of Natural History
Title: “Impact Cratering as a Planetary Process”

Monday November 11th, 2019 (noon)
Barbara Dunst, PG, PCPG President Elect; Martin Helmke, PCPG President; and Vince Carbone, PCPG Board Member
Pennsylvania Council of Professional Geologists
Title: “A Career as a Professional Geologist”

Friday November 15th, 2019
Anna Golub (’19)
United States Geological Survey (USGS) – Reston, VA
Title: “Appledore to Antofagasta:  Post-undergrad Wanderings”



Friday February 8th, 2019
Molly Sunderlin and Alana Albus
Lafayette College Gateway Career Center
Title: “Maximizing your Search for Geology and Environmental Jobs and Internships”

Friday February 22nd, 2019
Dustin Morris ’17
California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
Title: “Cap Carbonate Sequence Post-dating the Neoproterozoic Marinoan Glacial Deposits, Naukluft Mountains, Namibia”

Friday March 1st, 2019
Sidney Hemming
Columbia University – Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Ocean Discovery Lecture Series – U.S. Science Support Program
Title:  “Toward a 5 million year record of the Greater Agulhas Current System”

Friday March 8th, 2019
Sarah Allen
Pennsylvania State University
Title:  “Reconstructing the paleoecology and paleoclimatology of an Early Eocene site in southwestern Wyoming using plant fossils”

Friday March 29th, 2019
Scott Samson
Syracuse University
Title:  “Do you tell the truth about your age? When sediments lie…”

Friday April 5th, 2019
Rachel Griffiths ’14
Environmental Protection Agency
Title:  “How I Became an Environmental Geologist in the Concrete Jungle”

Friday April 12th, 2019
Erin Kraal
Kutztown University
Title:  “Missions peer into atmospheres across the solar system”

Friday April 26th, 2019
Elizabeth Graybill ’10
Geologist/Mining Engineer – RHI Magnesita
Title:  “How I Accidentally Became a Mining Engineer”


Friday September 14th, 2018
Geology Majors
Lafayette College
Title:  “Summer Research Experiences”

Friday September 21st, 2018
Jesse Farmer
Princeton University
Title: “Disruptions of the ocean carbon cycle and their role in past (and present) climate shifts”

Friday October 12th, 2018
Brian Lejeune
Northeastern University
Title:  “Investigating the Effect of Al and Fe Solubility on Structure-Magnetism Relationships in Synthesized AlFe2B2 Single Crystals”

Friday November 2nd, 2018
Adrian Fiege
American Museum of Natural History (AMNH)
Title: “Sulfur-in-Apatite:  Understanding the Late-Stage Redox and Volatile Evolution in Lunar Mare Basalts”

Friday November 9th, 2018
Bill Metropolis
Lafayette College
Title:  “The Rebuilding of the Lafayette Mineral Collection”

Friday November 30th, 2018
Geology Department Faculty
Lafayette College
Title:  “Life During and After Lafayette”

Friday December 7th, 2018
Senior Geology Majors
Lafayette College
Title:  “Senior Thesis Mid-Project Reports”


Friday February 2nd, 2018
Lafayette Geology Career Services Staff
Title:  “Internships & Careers in Geology, Earth, & Environmental Fields”

Friday February 16th, 2018
David Spears (’81) – State Geologist of Virginia
Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, & Energy
Title:  “Geology & Public Policy — Tales of a Geoscientist in Government”

*Wednesday March 7th, 2018
Julia Seidenstein (’14)
United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Title:  “Post-College:  My Experiences at the US Geological Survey & the National Park Service”

Friday March 30th, 2018
Samantha Bova
Rutgers University
Title: “Glacial-interglacial CO2 Variations:  Insights to the carbon cycle from the paleo-record”

*Wednesday April 5th, 2018 – Colton Chapel, 7:30PM
Steve Pacala
Princeton University
Title: “Climate Change Paradox in the USA:  Hope in Dark and Warming Times”

Friday, April 20th, 2018
Jocelyn Sessa
Drexel University & Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia
Title:  “Using Mollusks to Elucidate Ecologic and Climatic Changes in Past & Present Marine Environments”

Friday April 27th, 2018
Charlie Bartberger (’67)
Retired BP Petroleum Geologist
Title:  “Catastrophic Floods Across Washington’s Channeled Scabland in the Late Pleistocene:  J Harlen Bretz & the Historic Geological Debate Spawned by His Astonishing Interpretations”


Friday September 8th, 2017
Lafayette Geology Students
Title:  “My Summer in the Geology, Earth Science, and Environmental Fields”

*Thursday September 21st, 2017 – 12:15PM
Hilary Christensen
Moravian College
Title:  “Mammalian Adaptation to Herbivory after the End-Cretaceous Extinction”

Friday October 27th, 2017
Heather Savage
Columbia University
GeoPRISMS Distinguished Lectureship Program
Title:   “The Science and Pseudoscience of Earthquake Prediction”

Friday November 3rd, 2017
Vincent Carbone
Senior Geologist, HDR
Pennsylvania Council of Professional Geologists lecture series
Title:   “PCPG:  Trends in Geology and Geoscience in Pennsylvania and in Industry”

Friday November 10th, 2017
Connie Soja
Colgate University
Title:  “Fossils & the Great Alaskan Terrane Wreck”

Friday, November 17th, 2017
Lafayette Geology Faculty
Title:  “Life after Lafayette”

Friday December 1st, 2017
Joe Meiburger & Allen Parker ’99
ECS Geotechnical Consulting
Title:  “Geotechnical, Environmental, and Materials Testing Projects at ECS (+ Summer Internships and Career Opportunities)”


Friday February 3rd, 2017
Joe Meiburger
ECS Geotechnical Consulting
Title:  “Summer Internship & Career Opportunities with ECS”

Friday February 10th, 2017
Amy Rhodes
Smith College
Title:  “Establishing Baseline Water Chemistry for Household Wells within the Marcellus Shale Gas Region, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania”

Friday February 24th, 2017
Lafayette GEOL 170 (Ecuador & Galapagos) Reunion

Friday March 3rd, 2017
Peter Cocheo & Students

*Tuesday March 7th, 2017
Ray Troll & David Sunderlin
Title:  “An Artist & a Geologist Wander Alaska”

Friday March 24th, 2017
Ken Kodama
Lehigh University
Title:  “High-Resolution Rock Magnetic Cyclostratigraphy and the Duration of the Shuram C-isotope Excursion”

Friday March 31st, 2017
Sara Pruss
Smith College
Title:  “Fossil Evidence for Life after a 720 Million Year Old Frozen Earth”

Friday April 7th, 2017
John Stix
McGill University
Title:  “Fast and Slow Volcanoes”

Friday April 14th, 2017
Charlie Bartberger ’67
Retired BP Petroleum Geologist
Title:  “Thirty Years of Puzzling Non-Commercial Gas Wells from the Deep Eastern Greater Green River Basin of Southwest Wyoming: Puzzle Finally Resolved!”

Friday April 21st, 2017
Ingrid Peate
University of Iowa
Title:  “The Largest Volcanic Eruptions on Earth”

Friday April 28th, 2017
Lafayette Geology Students
Title:  “How did we do it?:  Guidance on the post-graduate search process”


*Wednesday September 7th, 2016
Christine McCarthy ’16
Semester in Environmental Science (SES) (Marine Biological Laboratory – Woods Hole, MA) – off campus study information session

Friday September 9th, 2016
Lafayette Geology Students
Group Presentation:  Summer Adventures & Research Highlights

Friday October 21st, 2016
Charlie Bartberger ’67
Retired BP Petroleum Geologist
Title:  “Thirty Years of Puzzling Non-Commercial Gas Wells from the Deep Eastern Greater Green River Basin of Southwest Wyoming: Puzzle Finally Resolved! Part I”

Friday October 28th, 2016
Charlie Bartberger ’67
Retired BP Petroleum Geologist
Title:  “Thirty Years of Puzzling Non-Commercial Gas Wells from the Deep Eastern Greater Green River Basin of Southwest Wyoming: Puzzle Finally Resolved! Part II”

Friday November 4th, 2016
Laura Lautz ’98
Syracuse University
Title:  “Methane and salinity in shallow groundwater of the Marcellus Shale region:  Applied statistics for an applied problem”

Friday November 11th, 2016
Emmy Smith
Smithsonian Institution
Title:  “The last of the Ediacara: a new transect of Precambrian-Cambrian Boundary sections in the Southwest USA”

Friday November 18th, 2016
Lafayette Geology Faculty
Title:  “Life after Lafayette”

Friday December 2nd, 2016
Lafayette Geology Thesis Students
Thesis Mid-Project Reports

Friday December 2nd, 2016 *4PM*
Lafayette Geology National Parks Course Reunion

Friday December 9th, 2016
Lafayette Geology Thesis Students
Thesis Mid-Project Reports

Friday December 16th, 2016
Lafayette Geology Thesis Student
Thesis Mid-Project Report


Friday January 29th, 2016
Paul Myrow
Colorado College
Title:  “Storm Deposition: Controversies and Insights from the Laboratory, Oceans, and Field”

Friday February 5th, 2016
Nick Pyenson
Smithsonian Institution
Paleontological Society Distinguished Lecture Program
Title:  “Cetaceans and fish lizards in silico: 3D digitizing over 200 million years of fossil graveyards, from the Atacama to Nevada”

Friday February 12th, 2016
Ken Foreman
Semester in Environmental Science – Marine Biological Laboratory
Information Session:  Learn about the Semester in Environmental Science (SES) in Woods Hole, MA

*Thursday February 18th, 2016 – 7:30PM
Peter Hutchinson
THG Geophysics
Title:  “An Accounting and Update of the Deep Water Horizon Disaster Through the Eyes of the Chief Council’s Report, 2011”

Friday February 19th, 2016
Peter Hutchinson
THG Geophysics
Title:  “Geophysical Methods for Detecting Subsurface Anomalies (mine voids and karst features)”

Friday April 8th, 2016
Derek Pizarro
Title:  “From the Medicine Cabinet to Brownfields: Remediating Heavy Metals with Bath Salts and Antacids”

Friday April 15th, 2016
Ayla Pamukcu
Princeton University
Title:  “Before the Big Boom: The Life and Times of Supereruptive Magmas”

Friday April 29th, 2016
Guy Hovis
Lafayette College
Title:  “The Life of a Scientist”


*Wednesday September 9th, 2015
Max Borella
Frontiers Abroad – New Zealand

Friday September 11th, 2015
Karen Smit
Gemological Institute of America
Title:  “Temporal evolution of the Superior lithospheric mantle: evidence from peridotite and diamond ages”

Friday September 18th, 2015
Nick Uline
Semester in Environmental Science (SES)
Marine Biological Laboratories (MBL) – Woods Hole

*Wednesday September 23rd, 2015
Amy Suida
Sea Education Association (SEA) – Woods Hole

Friday September 25th, 2015
Brett McLaurin
Bloomsburg University
Title:  “Quaternary Stratigraphy and Landscape Dynamics of the La Playa Archaeological Site, Northern Sonora, Mexico”

Friday October 2nd, 2015
Kevin Uno
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory – Columbia University
Title:  “Evidence for late Pliocene grassland expansion as a driver of mammalian evolution in the Lower Omo Valley, Ethiopia”

Friday October 23rd, 2015
Lafayette Geology Faculty
“Life after Lafayette”

Friday November 6th, 2015
Joe Francica
Managing Director, Geospatial Industry Solutions at Pitney Bowes
Title:  “The 10 Things you need to Know about Geospatial Tech Stuff-and how to get a Job!”

Friday November 13th, 2015
Paul Harnik
Franklin & Marshall College
Title:  “Extinctions with and without us: using fossils to evaluate extinction risk in the modern oceans”

Friday November 20th, 2015
Charlie Bartberger ’67
Retired BP petroleum geologist
Title:  “How Geology and Technology combine to Yield Commercial Oil from the Bakken Formation, North Dakota, Montana, and Saskatchewan”

Friday December 11th, 2015
Geology Thesis Student Mid-Project Reports


Friday January 30th, 2015
Tim Glotch
Stony Brook University
Title:  “New insights into lunar geology from mid-infrared remote sensing measurements”

*Thursday February 5th, 2015 – Colton Chapel 7PM
Elizabeth Kolbert
Title:  “The Sixth Extinction:  An Unnatural History”
Thomas Roy & Lura Forrest Jones Visiting Lecture

Friday February 20th, 2015
Josh Wyrick
Lafayette College
Title:  “Analyzing rivers as they are, not as we think they are”

Friday April 3rd, 2015
Ed Evenson
Lehigh University
Title:  “Charles Darwin:  Geologist & The Origin of Darwin’s Boulders, Tierra del Fuego”

Friday April 10th, 2015
Lowell Miyagi
University of Utah
Title:  “Rheology experiments at extreme conditions:  Understanding the mechanical properties of Earth’s interior”
COMPRES Distinguished Lecture Series

Friday April 17th, 2015
Shannon Hansen
Ballston Spa High School
Title:  “American Indians at Mesa Verde and their Connection to Earth:  Geoscience and archaeology perspectives”

Spring 2013 Speaker Schedule

Feb. 8: Jack Repcheck, W.W. Norton & Co.
Oechsle 224 Auditorium
The Man Who Found Time: James Hutton and the Discovery of the Earth’s Antiquity

Feb. 15: Joan Ramage MacDonald, Lehigh University
Remote Sensing of Glacier Melt and Sea Ice Extent in the Russian High Arctic Archipelagos

Feb. 22: Elizabeth Cottrell, Smithsonian Institution, COMPRES Distinguished Lecturer
The Oxidation State of Earth’s Interior

March 1: Craig Manning, UCLA, GeoPRISM Distinguished Lecturer
In Deep Water: New Insights into Geologic Fluids of the Deep Crust and Upper Mantle

March 8: Guy Hovis, Lafayette College
Selection, Purchase, and Capabilities of Lafayette’s New Quarter Million
Dollar X-ray System

March 15: Sara Mitchell, Holy Cross
Title TBA

April 26: Andrew Leslie, Yale University
Title TBA

May 3: Katharina Billups, Univ. of Delaware
Reconstructing Climate History: The Evolution of Antarctic Glaciation

Fall 2012 Speaker Schedule

September 14: Sarah Welsh-Huggins ’11
GeoEngineering in Iceland: Acopian Engineering Center

September 28: Ian Bailey, Univ. of Southampton
Title TBA

October 12: Lafayette Geology Students
Experiences in New Zealand

November 2: Andrew Genco ’06
Geophysics across the Western US and Mexico

November 9: Lafayette Geology Students
Summer internship experiences

November 16: Geology Department Faculty
“Life After Lafayette”

Spring 2010 Speaker Schedule

January 29: David Sunderlin Department of Geology & Environmental Geosciences, Lafayette College
“A Glimpse of a Warmer World:  Paleoenvironment & Paleoecology of the Paleogene Chickaloon Formation, Alaska”

February 4: Thursday, 7:00 PM, Kirby Room 104 Jack Repcheck, Vice President & Editor, W.W. Norton & Co. Publishing Co.
“The Man Who Found Time:  James Hutton and the Discovery of the Earth’s Antiquity”

February 19: Lawrence Malinconico and Dru Germanoski Department of Geology & Environmental Geosciences, Lafayette College “Memories of Hawaii, Interim 2010”

Jonathan Hill, Keystone Cement
February 26:   “Introduction to Mining”
March 5: “Industrial Mineral Processing: Cement Manufacturing”

March 12: No brown bag – Friday before spring break

March 19: No brown bag – Friday of spring break

March 26: No brown bag – Smithsonian trip

April 2: Christy Visaggi, University of North Carolina Wilmington “Latitudinal Variation in Molluscan Drilling Predation: Implications for Patterns of Evolution in the Fossil Record”

April 9: Steve Mylon, Department of Chemistry, Lafayette College (awaiting title)

April 16: Art Kney, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Lafayette College
“Meaningful Interactions; Community Empowerment Through a Thoughtful – Student
Engaged – Research Program”  (tentative title)

April 23: “Lafayette College is Green”
Presented by Lafayette students who make it happen: Jenn Bell ’11, Bryan McAtee ’11, Daniella Colon ’10, Mickey Adelman ’10, Emily Clark ’12

April 30:  Sara Kreisel, Department of Geology & Environmental Geosciences, Lafayette College
“Assessing the Functional Status of Created Wetlands in Eastern Virginia via a Soil and Vegetative Developmental Trajectory”

May 6:  Craig Kochel, Bucknell University (awaiting title)

Fall 2009 Speaker Schedule

9/5 Darren Gravely, Aukland University
“Frontiers Abroad Semester Programmes in New Zealand: Field and Research-Based
Education for Geology and Earth Systems Students”

9/18 Bob Libutti ’02
“From Tectonics to Tectonics”

9/25 Dept. of Geology and Environmental Geosciences, Lafayette College
“What To Do With My Life???”

10/2 Laura Bochner & Maricate Conlon & Billy Hudacek, Lafayette College
“From the Carboniferous to Carbon: Summer Experiences from Ireland to Pennsylvania”

10/9 No Seminar (Fall Break)

10/16 Charles Epifanio, University of Delaware
“Transport Of Blue Crab Larvae In The Middle Atlantic Bight: A Wet And Windy Journey”

10/22 Alfredo Cahuas ’86 [NOTE: this is a Thursday lecture]
“Challenges & Opportunities in the Renewable Energy Sector”

10/30 Steven Whitmeyer, James Madison University
“Modern Methods of Field Geology: From the Outcrop to 4-D Visualization”

11/6 Larry Malinconico and David Sunderlin, Lafayette College
“2009 National Parks Course Memories”

11/13 Jay Parrish, Pennsylvania Geological Survey
“Recent Developments in Carbon Capture and Sequestration in Pennsylvania”

11/20 J. J. Foley & Bryan McAtee & Brain McDonald, Lafayette College
“New Zealand Experiences, Spring 2009”

11/27 No Seminar Thanksgiving week

12/4 Guy Hovis, Lafayette College
“Geology Student Research: Fat Feldspars”