More on my academic concentrations: I am an AB Geology major. I plan on double-majoring in Geology and Art, with a minor in Asian Studies.
How I came to be a geo major: I decided to take a geology course to fulfill a lab science elective. I did not think that I would enjoy the class after having a difficult time identifying minerals in my 8th grade Earth Science class. However, throughout the semester I realized that geology was much more than I had always thought, and I really enjoyed it! That geology class ended up being my favorite class at Lafayette up to that point, and I decided to switch my major from International Affairs to Geology by the end of the semester.
What I like about the geo department: The professors in the geology department care about all of the students in each their classes, whether they are geology majors or not. They are always willing to answer questions and provide help. The geology department makes each Geo major feel like they are more than just a student, but a part of a family.
My favorite geo class so far: Mineralogy. This class gave me a better understanding of the basic chemistry and concepts involved in the formation of minerals, which helps me better understand many concepts in other branches of geology.
I enjoy learning about: Minerals and the conditions under which they form. Water contamination issues are also interesting and very important.
The geologically coolest place I’ve been: Niagara Falls.
I have not participated in a geology interim trip yet: But I plan on going on one before I graduate.
Typically, I spend my summers: Going camping, spending time with family and friends, and enjoying life. I spent last summer working in the Admissions office at Lafayette College, which allowed me to stay on the Lafayette campus. I would love to spend future summers doing research in the geology department or interning with a geology-related company.
Outside the classroom: I am a member of the Landis Community Outreach Center staff, and I run the YMCA School-Age Child Care Tutoring group through the America Reads, America Counts Program. I am the vice president of the Lafayette Dance Company and Co-captain of the Lafayette Dance Crew. I live on a special interest floor called the Cooking and Food Enthusiasts Floor, and I juggle with the Juggling Guys and Girls of Lafayette (JuGGL). Also, I host prospective students and give tours as a Lafayette Ambassador in the Admissions Office.
I love to: Dance, choreograph, learn, read, and juggle.
After Lafayette: I’m not quite sure what the future holds in terms of a career plan, but ultimately I would love to do some sort of environmental consultation.